Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Picture

My topic has actually effected the climate, it has made the climate a lot worse has made it hotter and more desert like. Also its effected by the people. The people have disturbed the environment and it has really taken a turn for the worse. My topic mostly relates to environmental change because the people are affecting the environment and changing it to make it fit for the people of the country. My topic will help other people understand other places because they will see what it takes for this thing happen and they wont allow it to happen in their country.


  1. This reminds me of desertification in the Sahel. Like in Mongolia, desertification in the Sahel is caused mostly by humans. The main factors causing desertification in both areas are overgrazing and deforestation. The impacts on the people are similar as well. For example, desertification has a negative impact in both places in terms of their food availability. The crops wither away, causing a food shortage, which in turn causes death.

  2. This reminds me of the desertification in the Aral Sea area in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. This desertification was caused by a large network of canals built to help water the crops. These canals rerouted the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers so they couldn't feed into the Aral Sea. This caused the Aral Sea to lose two thirds of its volume. The water grew increasingly salty, killing most of the fish. Now, chemicals are blowing out of the Aral Sea causing the surrounding areas to go through desertification as well.

  3. This reminds me of the desertification that is happening in Cameroon, Aferica.The desertification here is almost caused by the same reasons in Cameroon,overgrazing and deforestation.In both regions this issue is having a negative effect on the area like loss of good soil and animal habitats.Now the people of both of these areas have to live with what they have done.


Desert in Mongolia

Desert in Mongolia